One of the worst things that hit the Mediterranean last year: wildfires in many regions. Also some MEDIBEES apiaries were affected.

According to the IPCC, the Mediterranean region is especially at risk - showing in a special chapter dedicated to the region in the report of 2022. The three points that concern beekeeping the most:

1. Droughts will be more frequent, more intense, and last longer. This means lower food resources for bees.
2. The air in the Mediterranean will heat up 20-50% faster than in other regions. This has consequences for the thermoregulation of colonies and will need adaptation in setting up apiaries.
3. The mean warming in the region will be up to 2-3.5°C - even if the Paris Agreement is met to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Also this will need adaptations in goodpractices.

In MEDIBEES we're working to help with this changes - for sustainable beekeeping.

Medibees was at the conference Congresso Nacional dos Recursos Silvestres in Bragança/Portugal on 18 October.

Honrado, M.; Henriques, D.; Yadro, C.A.; Santos, J.; Rufino, J; MEDIBEES CONSORTIUM; Pinto, M.A.; Amaral, J.S. 2023 A sequenciação de nova geração como uma abordagem promissora para a identificação da origem entomológica do mel. Congresso Nacional de Recursos Silvestres. 18 October. Bragança, Portugal.

Yadro, C.A.; Henriques, D.; Honrado, M.; Amaral, J.S.; Eiss., AA; Haddad., N.; Obeidat., W.; Arruda., J.; Lamghari., F.; Cilia., G.; Martín-Hernández, R.; Nanetti, A.; Pinto, M.A. 2023 Estrutura populacional e estado de conservação das subsespécies de Apis melífera no Oriente Próximo e Médio. Congresso Nacional de Recursos Silvestres. 18 October. Bragança, Portugal.

Visit CNRS 2023
Apiculture Challenges Climate Change!

Dr. Nizar Haddad, Dr. Raquel Martinez, Prof Mustafa Necati, Dr. Soledade Sagastume

Honey Quality: Characterization & Valorization!

Prof. Ali El-Keblawy, Dr. Gian Marcazzan, Prof. Joana Amaral

Native Honeybee Species

Dr. James Salome, Dr. Carlos Garcia, Dr. Noureddine Adjalane

Honeybee Health

Dr. Antonio Nanetti, Dr. Bojan Gajic, Dr. Claudia Garrida, Mr. Giovanni Cilia

Visit website 2023
At the first Fujairah International Conference on Bee Research.

At Apimondia 2023

MEDIBEES is part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union

We are a consortium of 9 organizations in 8 countries

If you want to know more about this consortium click the map