
Regional Institute of Agro-alimentary and Forestry Research and Development (IRIAF) is a research institution dependent on the Castilla-La Mancha Government. Its aim is to promote the research, development, innovation, training and transfer of research into the agro-alimentary, forestry and environmental sectors and in the processing and marketing industries.

The Centro de Investigación Apícola y Agroambiental (CIAPA) part of IRIAF, conducts research in Apiculture and Agriculture, with a direct contact with beekeepers and farmers. The research experience is reflected in the impact and excellence of its scientific production and in the international student mobility.

Entity profile:

CIAPA has a proven track record in the beekeeping and agriculture sectors, covering the topics required in this work plan. CIAPA departments are:

i) Bee Health

ii) Honeybee Products

iii) Agriculture & Soil Health.

CIAPA provides services for different stakeholders as beekeepers, farmers, EU and National Institutions, education or companies, performing analysis or as advisors. It is a National and International reference centre for bee health and it has developed new techniques in a high-throughput approach. Contributes in the determination of honey’s quality for beekeeping sector and the impact of agricultural activity, evaluated by studying the properties of the soil and its biodiversity.