
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a public institution of Higher Education whose mission is to deliver a quality education, to promote Research and Technological Development, and to contribute to the development of the Country and the Region, by providing technical, technological and scientific competences to the society. The relevance/impact of IPB's activities is reflected by the top positions in international rankings: SCImago Institutions Rankings, U-Multirank and Shanghai Ranking. The scores obtained in several parameters of these indicators are the result of IPB's accumulated/proven experience, namely in the impact and excellence of its scientific production, in the international student mobility, and involvement with the Region.

Mountain Research Centre (CIMO) is a R&D unit hosted at IPB, recently classified “Excellent" by the National Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). CIMO conducts research on Mediterranean mountain systems following an interdisciplinary strategy from Nature (raw materials, natural resources, biodiversity) to Products (food and bio-based materials). CIMO aims to promote scientific and technological development and their transformation into global opportunities to Mediterranean mountain ecosystems.

Entity profile:

CIMO has a long-standing experience on analysis of honey bee whole genomes, development of SNP panels, analysis of genome-wide SNPs and more recently on DNA metabarcoding. CIMO will perform the genetic analyses of WP4 ranging from the genome-wide scans for detecting SNP involved in adaptation to developing a multi-subspecies SNP chip for genotyping all MEDIBEES’samples for multiple applications (e.g. subspecies/ecotype delineation, introgression analysis). CIMO will also develop and apply a DNA metabarcoding-based tool for botanical and entomological authentication/identification of honeys in WP5.